We grow your business.

Su empresa al alcance de los mercados emergentes de América.

About us

We are a consulting boutique, dedicated to the development of business in the Americas, with specialization in the Chilean, Peruvian and Colombian markets. We’re immersed in their culture, and offer a deep understanding of the markets’ Stakeholders.


Our team has the adequate experience in helping companies in their process of growth.  We focus in depth in our client's business, we evaluate the market, and bring the right expertise for success. Simultaneously, we prepare you to compete, to build together a real and attainable, strategic plan that will allow us to meet the objectives of growth, through the strengthening of commercial areas and the search for key customers.


Clients and Partners

Our consultants have workedin different countries, in the following major companies.


USA   Philipp Reichardt preichardt@americanegocios.cl     1 (858)  863 – 7445

CHILE  Patricio Rodriguez prodriguez@americanegocios.cl   (56 - 9)  98740388

PERÚ   Jessica Thompson  jthompson@americanegocios.cl  (51 - 9)  955136793


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